I've joined a couple of new blogging events;
Take a Stitch Tuesday and Illustration Friday. I do well with jobs that are assigned to specific days.
Tuesdays and
Thursdays are my nites for knitting in public. Thursday is also library day. Saturday is my morning for almost sleeping through the
Farmer's Market but waking up in time for
Morgan Waters (who sent me -and a lot of other people- a message about Sweet Thing playing at the
Silver Dollar Room but I could not make it to town in time. Soon, momo, soon, for I am single as can be.) Friday is for rearanging the Manos Del Uruguay at The Loop, and Sunday is for taping the
Coronation Omnbus, going to
Meditation, watching the 3h of Corrie, doing laundry and yelling at the screen.

The Tuesday event doesn't get going until the new year but Illustration Friday has been around for some time. I'm still suffering from camera problems else I would have posted last week (though I didn't come up with much). This week's theme is 'Mask'. ooo I hope my camera situation is sorted by friday. Of course, when I think of masks I think of Masked Balls (because I like dressing up more than any other epic romance mysterious stranger cannoodling in the gazebo kissing of gloved hands kind of ball related fantasy reason *edit: yeah right.) I say bring the Masked Ball back. Not just horrid charity or black & white balls. Real ones with spies and scarlet pimpernels and harlequins and diadems with opera gloves. Or what about victorian-20s costume balls-where everyone has to present a vignette. Or what about Natalie Clifford Barney's where Collette would ride in bare back and naked and Mata Hari would dance? Or The L.A. Come as Your Madness party-does anyone have the movie that was made of that? Anais Nin as a caged bird with Rupert Pole? Whatever happened to happenings?
Of course going to an event like a Masked Ball would involve leaving the house....

To read about Take a Stitch Tuesday visit Sharon's
In a Minute Ago Blog.Information about Illustration Friday can be found
here.ps. blogger just added a 'new' entry from november!?!?! it's down there at the bottom now....
Soundtrack"Just Like The Movies", Regina Spektor