For christmas I want adobe illustrator for my wee mac. I used the 30 day trial version to make all this great pomoboho stuff and now that i need it (and the 30 days are waaaay up) I’ve discovered that they all have little typos. Any thoughts on the cheapest way to get this program (not bit torrent-the final installation files all go bananas when you try and open them-i’ve heard)

Back in the summer I cast on a lace weight fichu for Granny in Crystal Palace Kid Merino. It’s meant to look like seafoam, a nod to a seafoam shawl (incidently shaped more like a proper fichu than this) that she crocheted and that I used to borrow when I was small. It was dk weight, white, and all scallops and fans. I have it put away somewhere safe where I can’t find it.

I’m trying to finish this one before Christmas. It is my only Holiday Knitting Project. The problem is that I’m sick to death of the stitch-”Shower Stitch”. After a while of working it, the seafoamy waves began to look like spiders to me. Now they look like the little guys from Gorf (which i still miss playing on my Vic 20 computer.)
I think I will switch to a strawberry or fawn’s eyes pattern-something eyelety. Maybe to save yardage I will work a giganto border on each end in a white merino/mohair (if I can’t find more light blue merino). I had thought of switching to something without any loft -like misti baby alpaca, but i think that might be a bit too sophisticated.

I wanted to say more but i’m dealing with a hit or miss wireless connection here. Sorry to blogs i don’t get a chance to read. In the mean time enjoy: http://www.geocities.com/~knot/

Ah, I remember when you started that shawl. Repeated patterns are so tiresome, but it looks pretty - granny will love it.
Sorry, no help on the adobe, computer stuff confounds me.
Gorf looks like a ripoff of Atari's Space Invaders! Still fun though.
Nice shawl. I have tried to knit with lace weight a bunch of times and so far I am an abject failure.
See you after Xmas!
oh morgan, here is a link for you:
i hope you get your camera fixed soon-miss seeing you on the blog. I know you have a lot of readers who only come to the blog to see you. too bad they don't have the guts to do it in person.
oh my god!!! I used to play that game. Remember the the tricky spiraling attackers in the vortexy tunnel. They were very hard to get. I thought I was really great being able to anticipate those suckers. Ahhhh the commodore 64 and vic 20.
Kim in Australia
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