Be lovely, be warm! Here is a vest that has the charm of simplicity. It will keep you warm without looking or feeling bulky. The original was knitted in pale blue and looked pretty enough to add to a trousseau.
4 oz. 2-ply wool (for any of the 3 sizes)
1 pair No. 10 and 1 No. 5 needle.
Ribbon for shoulder straps.
Length: Size 1, 26 ins,; size 2, 27 ins. ; size 3, 28 ins.
Bust: Size 1, 32 ins. to 34 ins.; size 2, 36 ins. to 38 ins. ; size 3, 40 ins. to 42 ins.
6.5 sts. to 1 ins. over
The vest is worked throught out with 1 No. 10 and 1 No. 5 needle, with the exception of the ribbing at waist and the patterned border at top edge.
The numbers of sts. in brackets refer to the two larger sizes.
The Front.-
Using the No. 5 needle cast on 104 sts. (117) (130). Now work in (each row K) for 4 rows, using 1 No. 10 and 1 No. 5 needle.
Continue in patt. as follows:-
1st row.-K.
2nd row.-P.
3rd row:-*P. 2tog., p.2tog., k. 1, (m. 1, k, 1) 4 times, p. 2tog., p. 2tog.; rep. from * to end of row.
4th row:- P.
These 4 rows form one pattern.
Rep. them twice more, then work 4 rows in
Continue in until work measures 11.5 ins. ending with row on wrong side.
Now start shapings for waist.
Next Row.-K. 26 (31) (34), sl. 1, k. 1, p.s.s.o., k. 9, k. 2 tog., k. 26 (29) (36), sl 1., k. 1, p.s.s.o., k. 9, k. 2tog.,k.26 (31) (34).
Work 7 rows without dec.
Next Row.-K 26 (31) (34), sl. 1, k. 1 p.s.s.o., k. 7, k. 2tog., k. 26 (29) (36) sl 1, k. 1, p.s.s.o., k. 7, k. 2tog, k. 26 (31) (34).
Work 7 rows without dec.
Next Row.-K 26 (31) (34), sl. 1, k. 1 p.s.s.o., k. 5, k. 2tog., k. 26 (29) (36) sl 1, k. 1, p.s.s.o., k. 5, k. 2tog, k. 26 (31) (34).
Work 7 rows without dec.
Next Row.-K 26 (31) (34), sl. 1, k. 1 p.s.s.o., k. 3, k. 2tog., k. 26 (29) (36) sl 1, k. 1, p.s.s.o., k. 3, k. 2tog, k. 26 (31) (34).
Work 7 rows without dec.
Next Row.-K 26 (31) (34), sl. 1, k. 1 p.s.s.o., k. 1, k. 2tog., k. 26 (29) (36) sl 1, k. 1, p.s.s.o., k. 1, k. 2tog, k. 26 (31) (34).
Work 7 rows without dec.
Next Row.-K. 26 (31) (34), sl. 1, k. 2tog., p.s.s.o., k.26 (29) (36), sl.1, k. 2tog., p.s.s.o., k. 26 (31) (34). Work should now measure about 16.5 ins. from lower edge. If not, continue without shaping until it does.
Change to No. 10 needles and work in k. 1, p. 1 rib on the 80 (93) (106) sts. for 3 ins., ending with row on wrong side.
Change to 1 No. 10 and No. 5 needle and inc. for bust as follows:-
Next Row. K. 26 (31) (34), inc. 2 in next st. by knitting into back, front and back again, k. 26 (29) (36), inc. 2 in next st., k. 26 (31) (34).
Work 3 rows in
Next Row.- K. 26 (31) (34), inc. 1 st. in next st., by knitting into back and front of next st., k. 1, inc. in next st., k. 26 (29) (36), inc. in next st. k. 1, inc. in next st., k. 26 (31) (34).
Rep. the last 4 rows 4 times more; working 2 extra sts. between each pair of increases each time, until there are 104 (117) (130) sts. on needle.
Continue in without further inc. until work measures 24.5 ins. (25.5) (26.5), ending with row on wrong side.
Change to 2 No. 10 needles and work 4 rows in
Then rep. the 4 rows of lace patt. 3 times.
Work 4 rows in Cast Off.
The vest has feather-pattern border at the top and lower edges; it can be knitted in three sizes.
The Back.-
Continue exactly as given for front until the waist ribbing has been worked, ending with row on wrong side (80) (93) (106) sts.
Continue in without shaping until work measures 24.5 ins. (25.5) (26.5), ending with row on wrong side.
Change to 2 No. 10 needles and work 4 rows in, dec. 1 st. each end of 1st row.
Now work 12 rows in lace patt. and 4 rows in to match front.
Cast off loosely.
Press the work lightly on the wrong side using a warm iron and damp clpth.
Sew up side seams.
Attach ribbon shoulder straps.
Press seams.
Detail of the feather -pattern which trims the vest.
-Modern Knitting Illustrated 1945
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