Okay insane photo but you can see where I'll lace it like a corset. Sometimes crisscross, sometimes two lines. Will also wire point. Again, lame photo but nice shot of bum. Implies unacheivable sveltness.
I head to Toronto tomorrow for a Med appointment so will cheer myself up by maybe finding perfect lacing ribbon. I'm thinking olivy green, or brown velvet.
Unfortunatly shopping in Toronto gives me aneurysms. There's a reason I moved out east and LYSs like the Toronto LYSs may well be it! There seem to be two kinds; sparse boutique (not my style and I wouldnt go all that way for 5 different shades of hand spun llama, all brown, and at 30$ a pop. sorry.) and the INSANE Romni type place with just too many options and intimidation. thats where the aneurysm comes in.
It's like walking into ALL the online yarn stores at one go, and you wonder 'Is this heaven...or something else.' Not even that, its like walking into all the online yarn store's BACK stockrooms and it turns into a giant game of Amazing Yarn Race. The pressure is crazy. And it's not just me; I've seen other girls shake in these places.
Wow, I need to stop thinking about this. I'll stay in Ken Market this trip. Buy neat things to Add to things. 'Sfice to say I'd never yarn shop in NYC...but I'd love to run into Rebecca Budig shopping at Purl or somewhere like that!