Saturday, November 05, 2011

War Knitting Marathon


Here they come down the stretch in the war knitting marathon at the Australian Pavillion at the New York World's Fair, June 18. The winner was Finland by a stitch; Belgium was second. With Fanny Hurst, noted author; Mrs. Harrison Williams, one of the ten best-dressed women, and Lynne Fontanne, stage star (left to right) acting as the judges, Mrs. Siami Rappell (seated right), of the Finnish relief committee, beats Mrs. Rene Burchard, of the Belgium relief committee. The marathon lasted for two days.

-Windsor Daily Star, June 21, 1940

PS I think Mona von Bismark (Williams at the time) is stunning in this photo. It's amazing to see how beautiful she was in real life, in a candid shot. What must her own knitting have been like?  The Curse of the Boyfriend Sweater might have a lot to answer for!

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