I finished my Sideways Spencer-from Interweave Knits f/w 2004 in Manos, colour 34/”Oil Slick”-sometime ago and have been getting a lot of wear out of it but didn’t want to post photos til I had received my custom Vivero Glass fused glass buttons. Cathy (of loop fame) managed to create exactly what I wanted for this sweater, but these buttons are just the tip of the iceburg in terms of what she has to offer. Her mille fiori works are amazing and there’s no end to the shades that emerge from the glass as you move through light. (Which also makes them very hard to photograph) You can see more at the Vivero Glass site or by contacting The Loop.
I’m typing on the train (somewhere after the Gaspé hookup in Matapédia-maybe around Rimouski?) having a grand old time-my coffee has lasted since halifax, the guy in front of me has stopped snoring, i have two seats to myself cause I’m pretending that I have a bandy leg that needs to be stuck straight out, I’m working on a new shawl in purple-blue laceweight baby alpaca and watching brideshead revisited on my laptop. oh dear. considering the thin walls in my building and my neighbours disturbingly stuffed nose this is a normal saturday nite. just in quebec. about 9 hours into the trip I watched les enfants du paradis on mute while listening to a harry potter audiobook just for a change. this is as close to multi tasking as it gets on the train and i found it strangely comforting and decadent. Like ordering coffee and tea at the same time- I don’t reccomend ordering either on any canadian train. Morgan’s top train tip #17: bring a thermos and your own tea/hot chocolate/soup. hot water is free and hopefuly you don’t buy your own tea in the same place via rail has to.
At any rate, I’m very pleased with my little sweater, it required no mods and took umm, 3 skeins with leftovers. I’m looking forward to Ms. Modesitt's upcoming book.
Soundtrack:”Matapédia”, McGarrigles
ps do you like my curtains?
I adore your curtains, Scarlett, as well as your Spencer.
Bandy leg, eh? I need to get me one of those.
Ooh, I didn't know Cathy did glass work! Beautiful.
The sweater turned out so gorgeous - you look very pretty!
AI! although i have seen... how nice to see it on here! i was wondering what was going on with that... 'why hadn't she posted it?' phewf... you did.
happy train riding!
i wish i was on a train...
i love trains.
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