Thursday, November 03, 2005

So much to post!
I've been doing the swaps at
PurplePinkandOrange and October's theme was 'snacks'. It didn't even occur to me to do halloween, but I got the most amazing treat bag from my swap pal and it arrived on the 31st to boot! Thank you! I got a package from Mum on the same day! Good snackn and good knittn. Note all the crazy japanese candy, and the cans of candycorn pop! Who knew?

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In between munching on things I can't pronounce, I've been crocheting cat ears:

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Edit:I forgot that I was going to mention how amazing the Holiday VK is! I almost wet myself! K, end of edit....

We had a lovely time at S&B tonite with 2 new ladies! I hope they keep coming. I showed off my 'sweatshop'ish speed at crocheting and decided to post it so that you can all enjoy (and/or be freaked out; even I didn't know I'm that fast). Take that Lily Chin! Here's a movie in two parts showing me making the flower described in the last post. It's really silly. These movies go out to the guy who was taking photos of us at uncommon grounds tonight. I hope you enjoy.

Soundtrack: "Paganini's Moto perpetuo", Bella Fleck


  1. Anonymous9:18 am

    So funny - i like the little "done" at the end. Your halloween pic from your previous post is really cute - I didn't see it before! (there must have been a glitch)

  2. Anonymous12:10 pm

    goodness me..
    i still havwe your book, i'll mail it to you-will need your address..

    i like keeping in touch via your blog..

    more soon..

  3. Anonymous6:45 pm

    Thanks for complimenting my leg warmers! They were pretty quick to make, actually one took a year (since it sat neglected in my stash bag) and the other took a couple of weeks of off-and-on knitting. I thought they were a lot of fun, I made them with dpns so I didn't have to sew seams. Good luck with yours! And I love your blog, your crocheted items are beautiful, I'm in awe since I don't crochet.
    Thanks again!

  4. Anonymous6:24 pm

    That is the coolest thing I have ever seen. Ever.

  5. Anonymous11:51 pm

    where do you stitch and bitch? i just found your blog as a link from the new yarn shop in Halifax.

  6. susanna eve
    here's the link for the snb
    hope you make it into the shop!

  7. Anonymous1:05 pm

    wowzers you have telent!!! linda is jealous!!!
