Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!
Inspired by Steph and Moe at Stitch and Bitch last Wed nite (I finally made it!) I decided to post my pattern for THE perfect crocheted flower. A Samhain gift!

.Any yarn

.Any size hook

Chain 4. Join with a slip stitch to first chain to form a ring

*Chain 4, sc into ring* rep *to* 5 times. (You have 6 loops)

*sc into next loop, ch 1, dc, ch 1, sc* rep *to* in each loop.

Cut thread, weave in ends.

If you want a bigger flower, or to add layers of petals, you could stack flowers of different guages, or try this:

Don't "Cut thread, weave in ends."

*ch 5, sc into back of petal* rep*to* into back of each petal. (You have 6 loops)

*sc into next loop, ch 1, dc, ch 1, sc* rep *to* in each loop.

Also add tc to make even longer petals.

Pretty easy, huh?

Heres some flowers of various guages, and an idea of what you can do with all these things. Check Steph's page for an action shot of flowers in progress!

Soundtrack: Treehouse of Horrors 1-13 "That girl has more wicked witchery than Stevie Nicks!"


  1. Anonymous6:18 pm

    you're sooo cute!!!!!!!! How old are you in the photo?

  2. Anonymous6:26 pm

    Thanks for the pattern. It's just a little differnt than the one I use :) I like the way you attached them all together. I think I saw it on
