Friday, November 11, 2005

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The Show is over! ahhhhhhh. But now all those things I put on hold (from xmas knitting to cleaning out the fridge-yuck) are looming large and I must relax. It is okay to relax. Need proof? My nerves were so haywire I had to go to emerg. Chest pains, breathing problems, the lot. We tested for Everything and it turns out I've got myself into quite the state and need stress treatment. I was upset that I had gone through all these tests for that diagnosis but then a different Dr came in and asked me what I'm studing. "ummm I'm just doing some niteclasses at nscad right now." "what kind?" "textiles" "do you spin?" "OMG Are you the SPIN DOCTOR?!?!?!?"

You see, there is this dr who works in emerg and to calm down, his hobby is fixing spinning wheels. Someone told me to take my wheel to him but I had put it off. There he was in my little cubical giving me tips on organic purple dyes! I have taken it as a great omen. My first step towards destressing has been to pick out some patterns that need my full attention. Lace and cables. No more making 5 hats while I watch Golden Girls.

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Back to the show...there are better photos, but I seem to have messed up my computer downloading too many alpaca photos. The show went really well; you can still find the website here. We got press this time (which was really strange....the interviewer asked me what kind of stuff I make. We were standing in front of my stuff. sigh.) and lots more people. I made double what I did last time ($$!) and I might even have a job (!!) A lovely lady came to talk to me about running crochet workshops. I don't want to get into it too much just yet as nothing's really confirmed. Still, to all the people who said crochet was a waste of time and that you can't make money in fibre arts...ummm.."na na na na boo boo." (this is a family blog you know.) I'm sure I'll be blogging MUCH more about this in the next little while, and maybe even asking for advice.

My Fibre Manipulation class has started up. Last night we did free motion embroidery, but last week we did needle felting and I kind of went crazy...Meet my new pet cat, and my new mascot *blank*. See, it was meant to be an alpaca, but I couldn't get the neck stiff enough and now it looks like a beautiful pony; like rhiannon when she turns into a horse, I think. Either way it needs a name.
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So with my little felty friends I am calming down; everything is right in pomoboho land. You can make money crocheting, and trips to the Dr can end in more help than you even imagined. lol 'Spin Doctor'. Only in the Maritimes.

Soundtrack: "99lbs", Humble Pie


  1. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Morgan RULES
    and she should email me at
    (It's gill from the UFB baby!)

  2. Anonymous6:22 pm

    I hope you feel better soon! How about 'Al' for your alpaca?

  3. Anonymous10:18 am

    Elizabethan Rough
    By Morgan Forrester
    HOOK SIZE: 6.5mm
    LUXURY YARN: 1 skein Louet Sales Mohair
    BUDGET YARN: 1 skein Patton’s Divine
    GAUGE: dcs = 4”
    Crochet a chain to 18”
    1. 2 dc in each ch st across
    2. ch1, sl st into last ch of foundation row, turning work 90°
    3. ch 3, turn (you are now ready to work the 2nd side)
    4. rep step 1

    Attach yarn to centre stitch (the sl st in last ch of foundation row). Crochet a chain to 14“. Ch 3, 3dc in 4th stitch to create end of tie. Repeat for second tie.

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    ©2005 Pomoboho Designs, Halifax, Canada
