Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Montreal Turban

Montreal Turban
Miss June Cox, Montreal, likes this pullover and turban in chamois yellow. She shows you two other intersting ways to drape the turban[sic].
Pins and clips and flowers, feathers or quills, make smart turban trimming!

Materials: 3 ozs crochet-knitting wool; 1 pr. #11 needles.
Tension: 8 sts, 11 rows =1 square inch.
This pattern requires a multiple of 4 sts plus 2. Twenty-four rows complete a pattern.
Cast on 50 sts.
Row 1 -K2 *P2, K2. Repeat from * to end of row (wrong side).
Row 2-P2 *K2, P2 Repeat from * to end of row
Row 3-Same as 1st row
Row 4-P2, *Knit the 2nd st on left hand needle, then, keeping this worked stitch on left hand needle, knit the first stitch in usual manner and slip both worked stitches off the left hand needle together. (The 2 sts worked in this way will, in future, be referred to as :KS”), P2. Repeat from *to end of row.
Row 5-K1 *P2, K2. Repeat from * until 1 st remains. P1.
Repeat last row twice.
Row 8-K1, *P2, Ks. Repeat from * until 1 st remains. P1
Repeat 2nd, 1st and 2nd rows.
Row 12-Ks, *P2, KS. Repeat from * to end of row.
Row 13-P1, *K2, P2. Repeat from *until 1 st remains. K1.
Repeat last row twice.
Row 16-P1, *KS, P@. Repeat from * until 1 st remains. K1
Repeat 2nd, 1st and 2nd rows.
Row 20-Same as 12th row.
Repeat 5th row 3 timews.
Row 24-Same as 8th row.
Repeat these 24 rows until strip measures 11/2 yards. Cast off.
Block. Gather crosswise at centre. Fold strips at gathering and seam the 2 strips together along one edge for 8 inches to form crown.

Knitted turbans are seen with every sort of brillian clip or brooch this season, or you may tuck a flower, quill or feather into a fold after it’s draped into place. Our favorite is swathed in the regal coronet manner and stuck with those huge-headed Oriental-looking pins...massive earrings accompanying.

1 comment:

  1. I love turbans! I keep trying to convince other people that they're 1940s chic and not Maharaja glamour but they don't see it :(
