Knit for a Party
Diamond lace pattern and bead trimming for a charming little evening bolero-pretty look for informal parties
Materials: 7/8/8 (1oz) balls Patons Cameo Crepe, Patonised in Corn 5278.
Pair each Nos. 12 and 10 Milwards Disc needles. 4 Packets Knitting beads.
Measurements: To fit 33-34/35-36/37-38 inch bust; length from top of shouders, 19/19/19.5 inches (including band); sleeve seam, 6/6/6 inches (including band).
Tension: Pattern is based on a standard stocking-stitch tension of 7sts and 9 rows to an inch on No.10 needles.
Abbreviations: tbl=through back of loops; psso=pass slipped stitch over; wlfwd= wool forward.
Bead on next st=bring wool to front of work, push a bead up close to fron to work, slip 1purlways, wool back-the bead is now lying on top of the slipped stitch.
With No.10 needles, cast on 121/129/137 sts and work in lace diamond pattern as follows:-
1st row: *k2, k2tog, wlfwd, k1, wlfwd, k2tog tbl, k1; rep from * to last st, k1.
2nd and every alternate row: Purl.
3rd row:
*k1, k2tog, wlfwd, k3, wlfwd, k2tog tbl; rep from * to last st, k1.
5th row: k2tog, wlfwd, *k5, wlfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, wofwd; rep from * to last 7 sts, k5, wlfwd, k2tog tbl.
7th row: *k1, wlfwd, k2tog tbl, k3, k2tog, wlfwd; rep from * to last st, k1.
9th row: *k2, wlfwd, k2tog tbl, k1, k2 tog, wlfwd, k1; rep from * to last st, k1/
11th row: *k3, wlfwd, sl1, k2 tog, psso, wlfwd, k2; rep from * to last st, k1.
12th row : purl. These 12 rows form pattern.
Work straight in pattern until work measures 10.5 inches ending with right side facing.
Continue in pattern, shaping armholes by casting off 8/8/9 sts at beg. of next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st at each end of next and every alternate row until 89/95/101 sts remain.
Work straight until work measures 18/18/18.5 inches, ending with right side facing.
Shape shoulders by casting off 9/9/10 sts at beg. of next 4 rows, then 8/10/10 sts at beg. of following 2 rows.
Cast off remaing 37/39/41 sts.
Right: With No.10 needles, cast on 65/65//73 sts and work in pattern as for back until front matches back at side edge, ending with wrong side facing,
Continue in pattern shaping armhole by casting off 8/8/9 sts at beg. of nexy row, then decrease 1 st at armhole edge on next and every alternate row until 49/48/55 sts remain.
work straight until front measures 15.25/15.5/16 inches, ending at front edge.
Shape neck by casting off 13/12/16 sts at beg. of next row, then decrease 1 st at neck edge on next and every alternate row until 26/28/30 sts remain.
Work straight until front matches back at armhole edge, ending at this edge.
Shape shoulder by casting off 9/9/10 sts at beg. of next and following alternate row.
Work 1 row. Cast off remaing 8/10/10 sts.
Left: Work to match right front reversing all shapings.
With No.10 needles, cast on 81/81/81 sts and work in lace pattern as for back, shaping sides as follows:-
Increase 1 st at each end of 5th/5th/7th and every following 9th/9th/5th row until there are 91/91/97 sts, taking increased sts into pattern.
Work straight until sleeve seam measures 5 inches , ending with right side facing.
Keeping pattern correct, shape top by casting off 8/8/9 sts at beg. of next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st at each end of next and every alternate row until 59/57/61 sts remain.
Cast off 4 sts. at beg. of next 12/12/12 rows. Cast off remaing sts.
Beaded Border: Thread on beads as required. 4 beads are used over 12 rows.
With No.12 needles, cast on 7 sts, k2 rows.
Next row:(k1, bead on next st) 3 times, k1.
K. 5 rows.
Next row: k3, bead on next st, k3.
K. 3 rows.
These 12 rows form pattern.
Continue in pattern until enough has been worked to go all round cardigan, ending with 12th pattern row. Cast off.
Sleeve Bands: Work as for beaded border until enough has been worked to go round lower edge of sleeve, ending with 12th pattern row. Cast off.
Press parts lightly on wrong side under a damp cloth. Join shouder, side and sleeve seams; insert sleeves.
Stitch border and sleeve bands in position, streching slightly on straight parts, and easing round corners. Join short ends. Press seams.
Originally published in Stitchcraft, 1968
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