Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monarch 1935 Blouse

Ladies’ Blouse 716
Size 34

Measurements of finished garment. -All around at underarm, 34 inches. From shoulder to bottom of garment, 19 inches. Length of sleeve at underarm seam, 5 inches.

Tension of Stitch. -8 sts. =1 inch.

Materials used:
Monarch Fairy
3 Balls Absinthe
1 Ball White
1 Pair No.11 Needles
1 Pair No. 7 Needles

BACK-Starting at bottom, WITH DOUBLE WOOL and No. 11 needles, cast on 110 sts. Work in ribbing (K1 P1) for 3 1/2 inches. CHANGE TO NO. 7 NEEDLES and WITH SINGLE WOOL, knit 1 ROW increasing to 117 sts. Purl back.
1st ROW-K1, *WO, S1, K1, PSSO, KI, K2TOG, WO, K6* repeat from * to within 6 sts, WO. S1, K1, PSSO, K1, K2TOG, WO, K1.
3rd ROW-K2, *WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO. K8, repeat from * to within 5 sts, WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO, K2.
5th ROW-Same as 1st ROW.
7th ROW- K2, *WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO. K1, slip 3 sts on spare needle (this forms cable), K1, repeat from * to within 5 sts, WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO, K2.
Repeat these 8 ROWs until work measures 13 inches from beginning (9 cables). Cast off 16 sts at beginning of each of next 2 ROWs, then decrease 1 st at each end of needle every 2nd ROW, 6 times, FOR UNDERARM (being careful to keep pattern even). Continue evenly until armhole measures 6 inches from first decreasing. Cast off loosely.

FRONT- Starting at bottom, WITH DOUBLE WOOL- and No.11 needles, cast on 110 sts. Work in ribbing (K1 P1) for 3 1/2 inches. CHANGE TO No.7 NEEDLES. Knit 1 ROW, increasing to 120 sts. Purl back. NEXT START PATTERN.
1st ROW-K2, *K6, WO, S1, K1, PSSO, K1, K2TOG, WO, repeat from * to within 8 sts, K8.
3rd ROW-K1 *K8, WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO, repeat from * to within 9 sts, K9.
5th ROW-Same as 1st row.
7th ROW-K2 *cable 6 sts, K1, WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO, K1, repeat to within 8 sts, cable 6, K2.
Repeat last 8 rows until work measures 13 inches. Cast of 14 sts, at beginning of next 2 rows. Work in pattern, 41 sts, making an extra st. in each of the next 4 sts (40 sts).

Place remaining sts on a stitch holder, then keeping 7 sts in garter st, at neck end for band, continue, being careful to keep pattern even, decreasing at armhole end, 1 st every 2nd row, 4 times, and decreasing 1 st neck end, inside garter st band, every 4th row.

When armhole measures 6 inches from 1st decreasing, cast off all but 8 sts at neck end. Continue in garter stitch on these 8 sts for 16 rows. Cast off. Take other sts from holder and work other front and shoulder to correspond.

SLEEVES-Starting at cuff, with No 11 needles and DOUBLE WOOL, cast on 90 sts. Work in ribbing (K1 P1) for 1 inch. CHANGE TO No 7 NEEDLES and SINGLE WOOL and knit 1 row, decreasing to 81 sts. Purl back.
1st ROW-K2, *K6, WO, S1, K1, PSSO, K1, K2TOG, WO, repeat from * ending with K2.
3rd ROW-K1 *K8, WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO, repeat from * ending K3.
5th ROW-Same as 1st row.
7th ROW-K1, *K1, cable 6 sts, K1, WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO, repeat from * ending K3.
repeat these 8 rows, twice (3 patterns), then work 1st and 2nd rows only,
Cast off 6 sts, at beginning of each of next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st at each end of needle, every 2nd row until 45 sts remain, being careful to keep pattern even. Cast off.

TIE- Using DOUBLE WHITE WOOL and No. 11 needles, cast on 2 sts. Work in ribbing (K1 P1) increasing 1 st at beginning of every 2nd row, until there are 16 sts on needle. Work evenly for 61/2 inches, then decrease 1 st every 2nd row, same side as increasings, until 2 sts remain. Cast off.

Sew all seams neatly and evenly. Sew border around neck. Place tie as illustrated. Press lightly.
-Originally published in Monarch Styles for Fall, 1935


  1. Anonymous11:32 am

    That is gorgeous. Any idea what type of yarn Monarch Fairy was? What weight and fiber content?

  2. Sorry for delay!
    I believe that Monarch Fairy was a jumper weight (or 'four-ply')yarn, 100% wool.
    I think a fingering weight yarn or 'baby'yarn would substitute well.
    A sock yarn with nylon would show off the stitch pattern really nicely.
    The needle sizes convert to 3mm and 4.5mm, though I would play around with gauge a bit. Good luck!

  3. Hi there,

    thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful pattern. :)

    I have one question, though; is something missing in row 7? Because it doesn't say what to do with the 3 cable stitches on the spare needle...

    Thanks again & have a wonderful day!

  4. Hi again,

    I just realised I wasn't very clear in my previous comment. I was talking about the first mentioned 7th row (the Back).

    "7th ROW- K2, *WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO. K1, slip 3 sts on spare needle (this forms cable), K1, repeat from * to within 5 sts, WO, S1, K2TOG, PSSO, WO, K2."

    Okidoki :oD
