Saturday, November 08, 2008


Here are some goings on that have gone on this autumn.

Late September The Loop tended booth again at Pacafiesta, Halifax's Fibre Show and Alpaca love-in. It proved as strange and endearing as ever. I fell for a Schacht loom, and lost my heart to many pairs of bedroom eyes. Here are some friends...

Soon after came Nocturne, Halifax's first annual art at night festival. I packed up my spinning wheel (a Louet Victoria) and joined Mimi and Karla in the Loop window. Our living art installation kicked up good moods on busy Barrington St along with merry kinetic energy, luring people inside where Cathy hosted a charity knit a thon. Read about our nocturne yarn and donations here.

At the end of October, fellow Victoria spinner Mimi and I headed up to Cape Breton's Gaelic College for the Maritime Spinner's Retreat. Tanya has a great post-retreat write up here.
I learned lots about my new craft, but I may have come away with more questions than answers. That's a good situation though, happily sequestered as I am in novice land.

PS Any tips on photographing Handspun?


  1. Anonymous4:23 am

    so you got into spinning too ? Cool, can't wait to see pics of your yarn ! :-P

  2. Anonymous11:23 pm

    So did you try inviting anyone to the Alpaca show this year Morgan?? If you are reading this ____, you are rather silly and should be getting on your bike right now instead of googling. Don't wait too long!
