Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Cim-di, Comme Ca

Wedding Mittens for Baltic Pixies?
Visit the Latvian Institute to learn more about traditional Dainas (Folk Songs) like the cheeky ones below.

Pretty knitter is that maiden,
She will be my loved bride,
I will give her my hand manly,
And to her my ring of gold.

Smuki ada ta meitina,
Ta bus mana ligavina,
Tai es dusu sav'rocinu,
Savu zelta gredzentinu.

Many mittens am I knitting
Putting in my dowry chest
When the rich girls have been taken,
Then will I come in their mind.

Adu cimdus, kulainisus,
Lieku pura dibena;
Kad labas izvedis,
Tad ar'mani iedomas.

Dear, dear maiden,
What a mitten! -hands are freezing.
Have you knitted those cold mittens
Sitting on a freezing stone?

Ai, ai tautu meita,
Tavu cimdu!-rokas sala.
Vai tu biji adijusi,
Uz akmena sededama?

Found in Upitis' Latviesu Cimdi, translated by V.Berzina-Baltina

1 comment:

  1. The mittens are beautiful! What is the pattern? The yarn? The little poem is great!
