Thursday, April 19, 2007

Blurry Lace at your service. The first of several lace motifs from Gloria Penning's "Danish Lace Treasures". I'm wearing it as a scarf but I may end up starching it over a circular mold and turning it into a lampshade. That's right. Lampshade.

Before I went out of town "Sybelle" the pink lace happening was also modeled by the world's longest scarf and the hoops in the loop window which I put together pre-purl soho and posy gets cozy's liberty hoops. (but thank you to those who noticed lol *meow*)

I have a pin cushion from Liberty. It is mouse shaped. I bought it on the edge of seventeen. I also have a stuffed frog. I couldn't afford much else.

Soundtrack: "My Sharona", The Knack


  1. Anonymous9:18 pm

    Re-take the first photograph.

  2. Anonymous1:20 pm

    Lovely! OOh, starching it...good idea. Watch out that it doesn't catch on fire if you use it a lampshade...

  3. Hi Morgan,

    Nice of you to flog my buttons :o)

    We miss you here. I hope you are having a good time, but also hope you'll be back soon!
