Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Here is a shot of the shawl for scale

More importantly....who is the "phantom hacker"? I'll find you.....

Soundtrack "Deborah", T.Rex


  1. Holy moley! Look at that wall o' yarn!

    Noice shawl. Verrah pretty.

  2. Must...learn...to...crochet!!! Must...have...shawl!!!

  3. Took me a minute to figure out what that fuzzy stuff you were standing in front of was....and yeah...Holy Wall O'Yarn! You've found a way to store stash AND decorate in a very unique way. Very Morgan of you.
    Great shawl by the way...soooo big! Looks very lovely.

  4. Anonymous8:15 am

    I've said it before, I'll say it again: Holy mother of god that is one amazing shawl. I cannot get over it. Love it. And the concept, upscaling the doily, just genius. Well done, morgaroo. Definitely gallery/show worthy.

    And the wall of yarn? Love it too, from a distance it looks like free-form crochet. Do you ever just lean against it face first? I would.

  5. Hee hee - Moe is funny.

    I know who the hacker is - if you think about it, you'll know too. Bwah ha ha ha ha ha.

  6. Anonymous1:54 pm

    ph34r m4h 1336 bl0gg|\| sk1llz

    I really love that shawl. REALLY!
