Friday, October 27, 2006

Gentle Readers, Wont You Help me Pick a Halloween Costume?

1. Little Bo Peep
2. Erica Kane
3. Mary Pickford
4. Lizzie Borden
5. Clara Bow
6. Frida Kalho

I am also open to write-in candidates. Oh, and please tell me what you're being too?


  1. Anonymous10:13 am

    Frida Kahlo! For the following reasons:
    1. You will be instantly recognizable with a unibrow (and how fun would it be to wear one!) - ie. less people saying "what are you supposed to be?"
    2. The costume would be a riot to put together - and you can wear your new pineapple shawl with it.
    3. Frida Kahlo is very cute.

  2. I'm leaning more toward the cutsie-pie Bo Peep costume.

  3. Anonymous4:48 pm

    Hey there Morgan, how many years has it been???
    So you're going out for Halloween, and working outside of the house? That's great if it means your health is under control! I know you had to give up your scholorship and a couple of relationships along the way. Was glad to hear you beat the last 'scare'.
    Things with me are going well, don't have a blog so you'll have to take my word for it. I really like yours-personal sounding but not too much personal info. Like the photos though-as pretty as ever, damnit.
    Will have to send you a long email, I'm clogging up your comments, and I don't want to leave my contact info here :0
    My vote is for Bo Peep, or maybe one of our old grunge heros? I'm being Yoko Ono. Don't have a Lennon, guys in my life are more like Lenin lol.
    Sarah H.
    ps do you have any gossip?

  4. Bo Peep or Erica Kane.

  5. Anonymous3:39 pm

    Totally the high drama lifestyle of Erika Cane my dear!

    Me, at work I am being a pirate. In reality I am being a hermit. MMMM hermity.
