Thursday, June 23, 2005

First off, look at my be-utiful indoor strawberries!!

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They are turning red as my kitchen walls!

So I posted the SnB specs on Craftster and within an hour I had a reply! Soon there will be more than we three...let's hope we don't get any crazies *wink*.

In other news I'm REALLY enjoying my sewing and alteration classes at NSCAD. I bought a new sewing machine and now I've decided that my purpose in life is to make big skirts...I'm like that. What I soon discovered is that nice full skirts take a lot of yardage...$$$! So I went round to the Sally Ann and bought an oval tablecloth that I thought would be big enough. Here's what I made:

I love it (pardon the crap photo) but there wasn't enough tablecloth to make a proper waistband. It *just* meets at the back; great if I don't plan on sitting down, but I like sitting sometimes, so I think I'll add elastic. My goal is to make crazy gauzy multilayered skirts like the ones at Gypsy Moon. I have also fallen in love with free motion (machine) embroidery, but I suck at it so far. Last night I broke my needle. Will post if anything warrents it. Im also making a handkercheif edged skirt in blacks, and I'm knitting an overskirt for it and will pickup stitches and knit a bodice-in paton's brilliance "copper". Yes yes I have lost my mind and will never finish any of this.

Soundtrack: "Sally Ann", Rufus Wainwright


  1. Anonymous7:10 pm

    I envy your seamstress skills - I'm so lucky I got to see the trippy glitter bodice yarn in person! I really like the boho/gypsy skirts I've seen around lately. I posted the picture of that fairisle loop d loop sweater I was talking about last night at SnB.

    Oh, I, too, left a message on the weeb about our SnB (on the stitch n bitch board assoc with the books). Getting a little feedback, time will tell. Crazies-in-a-good-way are cool, crazies-in-a-creepy-SWF-way not cool. Have you read Steph's manifesto?

  2. Nice Berries!!! Yummmmy. I heard from a possible SnB person today. Another Stephanie! Yay! And I sent an email to someone who I know knits, but who may be too busy to join us. We'll have to see...

