Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bunnies mean Spring, and Spring means Renewal, and so I have a new layout for Bunny. Blogger has booted me into postbeta. We will have to see if I can keep this look up-it looks like the blog of my spartan alter ego-the one who mops and doesn't use the staircase as shelves.
oooo he's a bit distorted in this photo. oops
If this bunny is springtime than this bunny is my current wintery state:
Mid hibernation, bloated and a little crabby. (but sans german gent to cuddle)

I'm blogging the afternoon before kol again-not b/c of guilt but because I'm very distressed over my soaps at the mo and can't watch. All My Children's Dixie is dead?!?!? Nuts! What are they thinking? I even wept at Opal's good-bye though I am not a Dixie fan. I am strictly an Erica Kane man. I wish I had someone here to discuss these things with. Sometimes I think I should have a soap blog. Just in case anyone watches I will pose the following questions: Who killed Spencer? Do you think Palmer could be "Raymond"? Do you think Janet fromanotherplanet could be the Satin Slayer?? These are the important issues of my day.

Soundtrack: La Kane & David discuss why I love Erica So:LINK (loud): http://www.seahaas.com/allmychildren/ericaswld.wav

ps to read about giant german bunnies (bound for north korea) click here.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

in response to a reader who was shocked to run into me downtown today...i'm home! I got in last nite. I look forward to reunions of many kinds! Off to kol!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

In need of a treat, plans being fubared and trip home much delayed (though by the looks of things on the kol blogs I'm missing yet another hellish halifax storm) I picked up Knitting In The Old Way, by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts and Deborah Robson (Gibson-Robert's "High Whorling: A Spinners Guide to an Old World Skill" is also an amazing work).
I had never picked this up because in my head I understood it to be a book of aran sweaters, folk socks, and sentimental fisherman things that I don't have the patience to work myself-or rugged fisherman type to delight with. Um, why did I think this? Knitting in the Old Way is very close to the imaginary work I was wishing for earlier- basic construction principles, math galore and the cultural history content that helps someone like me (logical but emotional and neurotic) to understand intellectual concepts. I already feel like I have a good handle on divine proportion (*ahem* not what I mean, Steph et al.) and now I feel quite empowered being able to use the percentage system in a more -humanistic? way.
Image is from Worth1000.com's "work safe art" gallery/contest. Brilliant. Click to visit.
That said, I am embarking on a Tyrolean, Bavarian Monstrosity in Cascade 220 and I am so turned on by it I fear I may turn into Vincent Libretti.
I'm working the 220 with 3mm needles-another wip is being worked on 8mm though the yarn is double stranded. still, you get the idea. The tight gauge is not only showing off the myriad cables and bobbles, knots and moss grounds, but it's lending a crisp, neat quality to a fabric that is inherently nutso. Furthering the nutso theme and taking us into the realm of absolute bananaland will be the upper bodice-worked in a self-striping one ply and couched with the 220. Things will have to be quite precise and my calculations just so for this to work out. I think I'm knitting my personality.

Still it's been a good way to spend more than a few days in bed and will serve me well on the 24h train ride. I can't wait to get home to my stash and a reliable network connection. I have so much to catch up on and start anew. In other news, Lord Sebastian Flyte is now my friend on myspace. I am v.proud. ps I have a love/HATE realtaionship with myspace (and this facebooky thing *someone* urged me to join) but you can be my friend there it you like. I would like that.

Oh yes, and pppps, The Loop wasnt on the first episode of Living East but will be on soon. (oops, sorry Moe) You can watch every episode online here at the cbc.. My favorite Handy Girl has a regular spot. Bravo Anne! You are very Ja-la-peno. I am working on cleaning up my mum's 'constipated' basement now, and I owe you $10 which I will drop off when I get back...my dolls want to meet your dolls. hehehehe
Soundtrack: Ginny the Cat is snoring...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

About.com's Crochet section has a small collection of vintage Venetian Crochet patterns. They are all updated versions of patterns found in the 1915 "Handbook of Needlecraft". I enlarged this square motif using Pattons "Grace" and a 3.25mm hook and am v.pleased with result.
The problem is that About.com fails to explain what Venetian Crochet is. I'm not sure that I understand where it differs from Irish Crochet (bering in mind that much of Irish Crochet technique came about from a need to recreate costly Venetian -not crocheted- Lace.) Are they basically the same thing? Is the Venetian flatter-none of the few patterns I've found include the trademark irish starting loop/cord padding or multilayered quality.
Can anyone point me in the direction of some current examples?
If you're interested in Irish Crochet here are some good resources: Victorian Crochet.com
White Works.com
But the Antique Irish Lace Museum is a must: Sheelin Museum

Lord Sebastian is quite puzzled by the whole thing, squinting as he is in the Venice sun.

Soundtrack:"Bron-yr-Aur Stomp", Led Zeppelin

ps This just in-Sebastian Flyte has a myspace account. Who knew?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Quick post: Don't forget to watch "Living East" tomorrow at 1pm on Maritime CBC TV.
The Loop will be featured on the premiere episode.
Can someone tape it for me?
I will pay this kind soul back in ale or oatcakes, whatever his/her preference.
Here's the show's site: http://www.cbc.ca/livingeast/

Soundtrack: "El Scorcho", Weezer
Between being away, and blogger being down, I am very late to the Take a Stitch Tuesday party indeed. Here is my Week One challenge completed: Herringbone Stitch

I was inspired by well, Herring and along the way became quite enchanted with the Art of Sardine Tin labels. (Many canned sardines are in fact herring.) It's a great source of vintage advertising/poster art.
To learn more about "Herring Art" visit the Sardine Museum of Seal Cove, New Brunswick here. To learn more about Take a Stitch Tuesday click here, and to see a small sampling of other contributor's work visit the TAST Flickr page here.

Soundtrack : "The Waiting", Tom Petty

Sunday, January 07, 2007

So the new blogger is ready and I still can't switch over. No idea why, and not much bothered, but I'd like to know if I'm missing out on anyting. I doubt it.
Well it's my last week in Ontario-my last obligation is this Thursday and then I'm hoping on the train (with many extra pieces of luggage filled with christmas presents and boxing day clothes that I don't need) My first order of business when I get back is to buy the 1 ball/skein I need to finish 3 UFOs. I do this every time. Then I will unpack my clothes, weep a little, and then make a charitable donation somewhere to ease my guilt over the fact that I could clothe a small country. What a visual that is.
Next I had better run some errands and return my library books to dal (yikes! I've had them a while). For supper I shall stuff myself with fresh salmon. A dear friend felt sorry for me land locked but for lake ontario and gave me two beautiful trout (one rainbow, one speckled and quite sexy looking) from her family's farm. Any recipe ideas?
So I hope I'll be back for the KOL after next. I have to be back in time for that week's Loop Group at any rate so fear not for my stitchnbitch withdrawl (it is real and unpleasant for those around me-i've heard).
I'm off to finish up my Take a Stitch Tuesday Challange #1 and Ilga Leja's amazing "Balsam" Cowl. I'm working it in a grey one ply alpaca and hope that it will look a bit like chainmail in the end.

Soundtrack: "I Thought I Was a Child", Bonnie Raitt

ps wow-can't get over the great responce to the collar pattern! My counter could barely handle the sudden influx of readers lol. Cheers!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Pomo Boho Collar

Pomo Boho Collar
©Morgan Forrester, 2007
1 ball Paton's Grace "Taupe" (Main Colour)
1 ball Paton's Grace "Sky" (Contrast Colour)
3.25mm hook
1 charming button

Triple Picot: ch 3, sl st in 1st ch, ch 4, sl st in sl st, ch 3, sl st in starting stitch.

With MC,
ch 55+3
1. dc in 3rd ch from hook, dc in every stitch across to last 5 ch stitches (these 5 extra stitches will create the buttonhole)
2. ch 3, 1 dc *ch 3, 1dc*
3. ch 3, 1dc, ch 3, in next ch 3 loop *1 tc, ch 1, 2tc, ch 1, 1tc, ch 3, skip next ch 3 loop, sc in 2nd st of next ch 3 loop, ch 3, skip next ch 3 loop* to end, dc in last stitch.
4. ch 3, 1dc, *ch 5, sc in between 2nd and 3rd tcs of tc cluster (top of cluster)* dc in last stitch.
5. ch 5, 1dc, *ch 7, sc in 3rd st of ch5 loop*
6. ch 7, 1dc, *ch 9, sc in 4th st of ch 7 loop*
7. repeat row 6.
8. ch 9, 1dc, *ch 11, sc in 5th st of ch 9 loop*
9. ch 1, sc in each st of first loop *In sts of next loop, 3sc, ch 1 2dc, ch 1, 1tc, ch 1, 2dc, 3sc. sl st in each st of next ch 11 loop. In next loop, sl st 5, in 6th st make triple picot, sl st 5. sl st in each st of next ch 11 loop* Repeat to last loop : sc in each st of last loop. Sl st to finish.

Irish Crochet Rose
(Make 4)
chain 4. Join with a slip stitch to first chain to form a ring
*Chain 4, sc into ring* rep *to* 5 times. (You have 6 loops)
*sc into next loop, ch 1, dc, ch 1, sc* rep *to* in each loop.
sl st to finish, weave in ends.

Picot Edging
With CC sl st to first st of piece.
ch 1, *sc, ch 3, skip 1 stitch, 3sc*
Work in pattern to end of row, sl st to finish.

Block, extending 4 tc points as far as posible and aranging picot points to match. Encourage overlaping effect of rose leaf motifs (tc clusters) by pinching and pinning into postition.

De-ply scrap lengths of MC yarn to use in sewing up-this will ensure a colour match.
Attach Irish Roses to tc points. Sew button into place. Using button as guide, sew loose end of buttonhole ch 5 to main body.

Soundtrack: "Hey There Fancypants", Ween