Friday, September 15, 2006

Griswold The Llama (pictured here in a striking attitude entitled "Ode to a Grecian Urn Atop a Dung Heap") would like to know who in their right mind would not want to escort me to Pacafiesta? If alpacas weren't such gentle creatures I would hum to them to stampede on my command. (I have plans post fiesta to become Morgan, the Alpaca Whisperer)

Pacafiesta was quite the time, sadly undocumented by this blog; I lost my battery adapter, but there are lots of great shots on the blogs of the ladies at KOL. My personal highlights were....Having my hand kissed by one of the winning alpacas (who then ate his prize ribbons), saving one of Lucy's samples from a goat, and meeting Leslie's daughter Grace who almost convinced me that baby making is a better plan than angora bunny, suri, and cashmere goat nabbing. Almost. Cant you picture me on the run with my contraband farm? Me riding a llama in a beret ala Faye Dunaway? (And you know the Bonnie and Clyde sweater I'm thinking of.)

Speaking of wardrobes, I am working away at mine. Thank you for the advice, I will try to take it....a spirit.....

Soundtrack: "Change of Seasons", Sweet Thing

ps. Morgan Waters when you have my children we will name them Fleetwood (not Bonham). I think you're just great.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Current reason for not blogging: My Closet Has Given Up.

It was just a question of time, really and it was a good run while it lasted. Still, I'm a little broken hearted and more than a smidgen disgusted at myself. Tim Gunn would question where I was going with this. Santino would think it was too much. Andre could be lost forever in there. No one needs this big a wardrobe. My closet apparently agreed with me.

Here you can see the moment it decided to teach me this hard lesson....but it was when I tried to stuff some of the excess under my bed....and found more clothes that I had already squirreled away that I realized that this was an Cat. Imelda disaster. I don't even leave the house often enough to wear all this. If anyone has tips on culling calico or how to siphon chiffon I am all ears. (Bearing in mind of course that there's double this amount of stuff in another room and that I have no intention of actually getting rid of anything)

Here are two pre-colapse projects as seen from the side for reasons I shall keep to myself (which means I don't remember why).

Soundtrack: "Maybe Love Will Change Your Mind" , Stevie Nicks
Photos of Pacafiesta to follow, plus updated template and links